Ian Stockton is an experienced exploration geologist with more than 25 years of experience. He has been involved in several discovery teams across Australia, Asia and South America.
Mr Stockton has significant knowledge with low sulphidation epithermal deposits, orogenic gold mineralisation and intrusive related exploration experience ranging from Greenfields to near mine projects.
He has been involved in the discovery of several important ore deposits including the Nolans/Sarsfield gold deposits and copper mine extensions in Australia, as well as the rejuvenation of the Mt Muro Epithermal deposits (Indonesia) and the Saramacca gold deposit (Suriname).
With a long and demonstrated history of successful exploration for gold and base metals, his experience incorporates a diverse background of exploration settings globally across the minerals sectors. Mr Stockton provides integrated, mineral systems-based geological models and targeting advice.
He has authored several papers including “Ravenswood Gold Deposits: AusIMM Monograph 22: Geology of the Mineral Deposits of Australia and Papua New Guinea.”