Ian Mulholland is a geologist and corporate executive with over 30 years of experience in the exploration and mining industry across a number of commodity groups including gold, silver, copper, lead, zinc, uranium, nickel and kaolin.
Mr Mulholland has been the managing director of Rox Resources since its inception, and prior to that he managed activities from grassroots exploration to advanced resource definition, feasibility studies and mining operations for a number of major, medium-sized and junior companies including WMC, Esso, Otter Gold, Aurora Gold, Anaconda Nickel, Archaean Gold, Summit Resources and Conquest Mining. Rox Resources was awarded Australian Mining Prospect Awards Explorer of the Year in 2015 for its Fisher East Nickel Sulphide Project discovery, and Mr Mulholland was a joint winner of AMEC’s 2016 Prospector Award for the Teena Zn-Pb discovery. Mr Mulholland was also involved in the Nimbus silver-zinc project, the Mt Martin, Mt Muro, Toka Tindung, Tanami and Mt Carlton gold-silver projects, the Murrin Murrin, Weld Range, Marshall Pool, Lawlers and Cawse nickel projects, the Valhalla and Olympic Dam uranium projects, and the Mt Windsor VMS copperlead-zinc projects.
Mr Mulholland holds a Bachelor of Science with Honours from the University of Sydney, a Master of Science from James Cook University, a Diploma of Science Education with Honours from Edith Cowan University, and has completed numerous professional development courses. He is also a Fellow of the Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, Australian Institute of Geoscientists, and Society of Economic Geologists; and a member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors.