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Ian Constable

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Ian Constable
Ian Constable

Professor Ian Constable AO trained in ophthalmology in New South Wales before being appointed as Clinical Retinal Fellow at the Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary and a lecturer at Harvard University. In 1975 the WA Lions Clubs' Lions Save Sight Foundation (created to lead the development of world-class ophthalmic care) established the Lions Chair in Ophthalmology at The University of Western Australia in 1975 with Professor Constable.
He went on to create The Lions Eye Institute (LEI) in 1983, a not-for-profit organisation established to save sight. Under his guidance, the LEI rapidly became a global centre for first-class scientific research into blindness.
He is a consultant retinal surgeon at Royal Perth, Sir Charles Gairdner and Princess Margaret Hospitals and was managing director at LEI from 1983 to February 2009.

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