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Howard Cearns

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Howard Cearns
Howard Cearns
Non-Executive Director / Fringe World Festival
Power 500

Howard Cearns is a successful marketing executive who has been involved in a range of hospitality ventures, most notably as a co-founder of Little Creatures Brewing in 2000.

He founded and was chair of Braincells Creative Marketing & Design, as well as a director and shareholder of Swings and Roundabouts wines, the Stormflower Vineyard, and Hippocampus Memorable Drinks.

Early in his career, Mr Cearns worked for Budget rent-a-car and gained sponsorship and event experience as marketing director of the Swan Brewery. He was made Lion Nathan's group innovation director in 1996. Mr Cearns was also involved in craft brewing success story Matilda Bay Brewing. Other roles have included deputy chair of Tourism WA and chair of Events Tourism.

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