Mr Peters brings a record of commercial leadership in the industrial gas sector with over 30 years of direct market experience. Most recently he was Helium Director, North America for Linde PLC (Praxair Inc.). Gregg managed all aspects of commercial helium operations (from mid-2010), including price strategy, contracting, client portfolios, supply system development, as well as marketing and technical support to operating business units, distributors, and end-users across all modes of supply, liquid and gaseous. Previously, Gregg spent six years as Director of Industrial Gas for Praxair Inc.'s packaged gas business, responsible for the financial performance and development of all gas products, including atmospherics, fuel gases, and CO2 (responsible for both the industrial and BevCarb segments), and the rapid expansion of the MicroBulk initiative. Currently, he is COO for the Edelgas Group and Managing Director of Disruptive Resources, LLC.
Gregg Peters
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NEW ROLE: Non-Executive Director, Blue Star Helium | 11 Jul 2024 |