Greg Cash has more than 20 years of experience in Housing, having worked broadly across all of the Housing Authority’s activities. He has undertaken a number of key managerial and leadership positions with responsibility for leading and driving the Housing Authority’s public and affordable housing objectives. Mr Cash also took a leading role in shaping the Housing Authority’s land and built form investment strategy and decisions within the Strategy and Policy and Commercial Operations divisions. He has tertiary qualifications in Politics and International Studies and Public Policy and Management, and has brought a strong focus on leadership, performance management, governance and accountability to the Service Delivery portfolio. As assistant director general of housing at the Department of Communities, Mr Cash is responsible for the delivery and management of specialised rental services across the public housing, Aboriginal remote and town-based housing and Government Regional Officer Housing programs. Within the Aboriginal remote and town-based housing program, he has overseen Western Australia’s award-winning delivery of new homes, refurbishments and a new approach to tenancy management in remote Indigenous communities through the National Partnership Agreement on Remote Indigenous Housing & National Partnership Agreement on Remote Housing.