Graeme Slattery has over 20 years of experience assisting clients in corporate commercial disputes, regulatory investigations and prosecutions, and with strategic and risk management advice.
He has extensive experience appearing in courts, tribunals, arbitrations, as well as formal and informal mediations. His litigation and dispute resolution experience includes representing clients in disputes over oil fields, mining and exploration agreements, share purchase agreements, gas and power supply agreements, construction contracts, joint ventures, managed investment schemes, directors’ duties, disclosure obligations and oppression actions.
Mr Slattery's litigation practice encompasses a variety of industry sectors. However he has particular experience in corporate governance and shareholder matters, energy and resources, projects, commercial property, intellectual property and technology. He also has extensive experience in advising private and public clients on regulatory and administrative law matters including consumer and competition law.
Mr Slattery has particular experience in the defence of environmental investigations and prosecutions but has also represented clients in a wide range of other regulatory areas including access regimes, product recalls, ACCC investigations, workplace accidents, manufacturer’s liabilities, professional bodies, food safety and dangerous goods. His environmental experience includes acting in very substantial investigations and prosecutions including the investigation and defence of the Esperance Port Authority against charges under the Environmental Protection Act 1986 (WA) arising from the transportation of heavy metals through the port.