Graeme Gammie has extensive experience in the public and private sector. His background is in strategy, finance and human resources coupled with practical heritage experience. He also has a solid understanding of contemporary governance and a very strong level of accountability.
Mr Gammie has been the chief executive of Landgate since March 2019 and will step down from the role in early 2024. Prior to Landgate, he was executive director at the State Heritage Office for over 4.5 years; assistant director general at the Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage; 5 years as head of then Office of Heritage, a branch of the Department of Housing and later the Department of Local Government and Communities, where he oversaw major governance and operational changes within the organisation which led to the Government's decision to elevate it to a standalone State Government department. He was also executive manager of Fremantle Prison where he created a new vision for the development and sustainability of the World Heritage listed site, establishing it as a premier heritage tourism attraction.