Graeme Collins has an impressive 35-year career in the mining industry in both open-cut and underground mines, in operations and project development. His most recent role was as general manager of operations for Wolfram Camp Mining where he managed a wolframite mine in Queensland. Mr Collins also spent almost a decade with base metals miner Kagara, commencing as project manager for the Mt Garnet Zinc Project before playing an instrumental role as operations manager and later as chief operating officer in its growth from a junior to a $1.2 billion, multi-mine base metals producer. Earlier in his career, Mr Collins held numerous senior operational roles including as project manager at the Eloise Copper Mine for Amalg Resources, mine manager at Tolokuma Gold Mines in Papua New Guinea for Dome Resources, mine manager at the Mt McClure Gold Mine and resident mine manager for the Bellevue Gold Project. He also held senior positions with Pancontinental Mining and Electrolytic Zinc Company of Australasia.