Glen Edwards is an economic geologist with extensive experience in the mining industry. He has worked for, and held senior positions in, a number of companies including Gold Field of SA, Phelps Dodge, Anglovaal, Newmont, IAMGold, Indago Resources, Aviva Corporation and Acacia Mining. Mr Edwards also has extensive experience in range of commodities and styles of mineralisation in diverse geological environments around the world. He is an Africa “specialist” having grown up and worked for a large part of his career there where he was involved in project generation, business development, exploration, discovery and resource development. Mr Edwards holds a BSc in Geology and Chemistry from the University of Natal, and a postgraduate degree in Geochemistry from the University of Cape Town. He is a Member of the Australian Institute of Geologists and the Society of Economic Geologists.
Glen Edwards
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Glen Edwards
Lists and Charts
Rank | Company | # | |
68th | ADX Energy | $16.80m | |
70th | Triangle Energy Global | $13.58m | |
71st | Element 25 | $13.30m | |
72nd | - | Suvo Strategic Minerals | $12.60m |
73rd | Jupiter Energy | $12.36m |
595 public companies - resources WA ranked by total revenue
Total Shareholder Return as at 02/12/24
Rank | Company | 1 Yr | 5 Yr |
1594th | Evergreen Lithium">Evergreen Lithium | -57.95% | 0% |
1595th | Bluglass">Bluglass | -58.1% | -23.63% |
1596th | ADX Energy">ADX Energy | -58.11% | -10.37% |
1597th | Balkan Mining and Minerals">Balkan Mining and Minerals | -58.51% | 0% |
1598th | Pacgold">Pacgold | -58.53% | 0% |
1767 WA (and selected non WA) listed companies ranked by 1 year TSR relative to other companies with similar revenue
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Person Activity
REMUNERATION UPDATE: Chief Executive, Exploration Manager, African Gold | 24 Aug 2020 | |
REMUNERATION UPDATE: Chief Executive, Exploration Manager, African Gold | 30 Jun 2020 |
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Positions - Previous
Position | Company | Year | Company's current rank |
Chief Executive, Exploration Manager
2018 - 2022 | 426 | |
Technical Director, Exploration Manager
2012 - 2017 | ||
Exploration Manager
2010 - 2012 | ||
Contract Geologist
2010 - 2010 | 68 | |
Exploration Manager
2007 - 2010 | ||
Exploration Manager
2003 - 2006 | 68 | |
Senior Geologist
1997 - 2002 |