Eduardo Valenzuela is a mining engineer who graduated from the University of Chile and also has a Master of Business in International Management from Curtin University in Western Australia. He has extensive industry experience in Australia, Latin America, USA, Asia, and the Middle East. Mr Valenzuela held senior roles including as manager of strategic planning and project manager phase IV expansion with BHP Minerals (Escondida, Chile); manager of Latin America with BHP Engineering; mine manager at Murrin Murrin in WA; mining industry specialist with the International Finance Corporation (IFC) in the USA; and senior project manager and project director with SKM (now Jacobs). His corporate experience has included roles as technical director, non‐executive director and chair of ASX-listed companies such as Sundance Resources, Southern Hemisphere Mining and Lithium Australia (formerly Cobre Montana). Mr Valenzuela is also the manager of mining and geology with Wood (formerly Amec Foster Wheeler), based in Perth.