David Trench has over 30 years of broad acre industrial and commercial experience with extensive engineering, sales & marketing exposure to oil & gas, minerals & mining industries, water and waste water, power & utilities, renewable energy, military, transportation and security industries. Early in his career, as an instrumentation engineer, he worked underground in the coal mining sector undertaking asset optimisation programs. He has worked in Europe where he directed an Australian IT company, in Asia directing communications and remote automation businesses, and back in Australia managing operations for shipping and power stations. Mr Trench also held an executive role for a multinational mining company and led an autonomous hazard management company. He has enterprise skills within these sectors focusing on domestic and international executive management, mentoring and developing teams in project pursuit and execution, leading projects across Greenfield and Brownfield developments. He has created, managed and revitalised business units in sales, support, technical and engineering fields. Mr Trench is a fellow of the Australian Institute of Management, Graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors and Mount Eliza Business School programs. He has formal background in instrumentation, automation and process control. Mr Trench is chair of the Defence Reserves Support Council for Western Australia, member of the National Council for Defence Force Reserves, chair of the Clean Technology Council and director of Ochre Energy.
David Trench
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David Trench
GPP Consultant / Great Northern Minerals
Lists and Charts
Rank | Company | # | |
317th | Great Northern Minerals | $53.05k | |
323rd | Legend Mining | $50.80k | |
324th | Arafura Rare Earths | $50.68k | |
325th | - | MetalsGrove Mining | $50.39k |
326th | Carawine Resources | $50.29k |
595 public companies - resources WA ranked by total revenue
Year started and most recent title
Total Shareholder Return as at 02/12/24
Rank | Company | 1 Yr | 5 Yr |
1286th | Tap Oil">Tap Oil | -34.41% | -12.14% |
1287th | Elevate Uranium">Elevate Uranium | -34.44% | 27.95% |
1288th | Great Northern Minerals">Great Northern Minerals | -34.48% | -37.17% |
1289th | IODM">IODM | -34.64% | 1.33% |
1290th | Cluey">Cluey | -34.76% | 0% |
1767 WA (and selected non WA) listed companies ranked by 1 year TSR relative to other companies with similar revenue
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