David McAdam commenced his professional engineering career in the early 1980s working in operations roles in the oil & gas industry. In the late 1980s, he moved into the project design and construction arena and has since created and delivered projects, managed contracting and service organisations throughout Australasia and South East Asia. These projects have typically been complex multi-discipline developments in industries including oil & gas, petrochemical, minerals and metals, food, infrastructure, power, and water.
Having operated in a broad range of project roles, business management and leadership roles, Mr McAdam brings a deep understanding of what it takes to establish and deliver engineering construction projects from inception through to commercial maturity.
Over the past 30 years, his experience includes a number of substantial projects ranging in capital value from $50M to in excess of $4BN. In the past 20 years, Mr McAdam held senior management leadership roles in design and construction organisations focussing on the resource and infrastructure industries. He led the creation and re-establishment of a series of highly successful engineering companies across a range of industries in a variety of locations.
Mr McAdam has been a director of listed and private organisations.