David Cox has around 25 years of experience in the healthcare system and within the aged care, retirement living and disability sectors.
As a Registered Nurse with postgraduate clinical qualifications and an MBA, together with his experience in operational, business development and executive roles, Mr Cox has the unique ability of applying clinical, governance and business metrics to the aged care environment. His experiences in both for-profit and not-for-profit aged care settings across Australasia have enabled Mr Cox to provide expert advice relating to service planning, governance, sustainability, efficiency and expansion and he sits on a number of advisory groups for government, peak bodies and aged care providers.
Mr Cox has also been involved in a large number of new home and village developments throughout Australia, and is recognised as a leader in the development and implementation of innovative built environments and service models that both meet the needs of aged care operators and consumers.
Mr Cox was a partner and head of operational strategy at Ansell Strategic, advisors to the Australian and New Zealand aged care industries.