Dan Tenardi is a mining executive with over 40 years of experience with a number of global resource industry leaders across a range of commodities including iron ore, gold, bauxite, and copper.
Mr Tenardi was the chief executive of Ngarda Civil & Mining, an Indigenous owned and operated contracting company, providing earthmoving, civil engineering and contract mining services to the resource and construction sectors. Prior to that, he was the managing director of Bauxite Resources where he led the rapid growth of the company from its initial exploration phase, expansion of land holdings, to the commencement of trial shipments and securing supportive strategic partnerships with key Chinese partners. He also spent 13 years with Alcoa at its bauxite mines in the Darling Range in Western Australia, and a further two years at Alcoa’s Kwinana refinery. He has substantial gold mining experience, including with Roche Mining at the Kalgoorlie Superpit and at Anglo Gold Ashanti’s Sunrise Dam. Mr Tenardi subsequently worked at executive level for Rio Tinto’s Robe River Iron Associates and their East Pilbara Division, and was appointed as a director of Robe River Iron Associates in the latter years of his employment with Rio Tinto. As general manager of operations and chief operating manager at CITIC Pacific Mining, Mr Tenardi helped develop the largest magnetite iron ore mine in Australia and was responsible for the strategic development of the company’s Australian and global mining operations.