Craig Dunn has more than 20 years of experience in financial services.
Mr Dunn was the chief executive and managing director of financial services firm AMP from 2008 to 2013 during his 13-year tenure, and had worked at Colonial Mutual Group from 1991 to 2000.
He was a board member of the Australian Japanese Business Cooperation Committee; former chair of the Investment and Financial Services Association (now the Financial Services Council); member of the Financial Services Advisory Committee, the Australian Financial Centre Forum, the Consumer and Financial Literacy Taskforce; and a Panel member of the Australian Government's Financial System Inquiry. Mr Dunn is chair of the Australian Government's Fintech Advisory Group and the International Standards Committee on Blockchain and Distributed Ledgers (ISO/TC 307). He is also a board member of each of the New South Wales Government’s Financial Services Knowledge Hub and Jobs for New South Wales, and a member of the ASIC External Advisory Panel and the New South Wales Government's Advisory Panel (regarding its investment in the Australian Quantum Computing Initiative). Mr Dunn is a consultant to King & Wood Mallesons.