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Conrad Crisafulli

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Conrad Crisafulli
Conrad Crisafulli

Conrad Crisafulli was a Perth-based company director and adviser on technology commercialisation, who passed away in 2017. His most roles included being principal of Meridor Associates and director of Technology Services (WA). A long-term member of the Rotary movement, Conrad played a lead role in the formation in 2009 of the Rotary Club of Crawley, which grew rapidly by focusing on young members and adopting a contemporary approach. He was a director of several listed companies including Fitgenes (formerly ATW Holdings), ipernica (now nearmap) for 10 years to 2010, and Entellect Solutions (now KneoMedia). Other roles included being director of IP Commercialisation at Curtin University (2004 to 2008), managing director of the Harold Clough-backed TechStart Australia (1998 to 2003), along with Tech Start’s fund Add Venture Capital, and commercial director of QPSX Communications (1990 to 1998).

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