Chris Watts holds a Bachelor of Business, is a Chartered Accountant, a Registered Company Auditor and holds a Certificate of Public Practice. He has over 20 years of professional and commercial experience including as a director of audit & corporate services for 9 years at Bentleys in WA. During that time, the practice grew to be a leading advisor to the mining sector and was recognised as one of the top three firms in WA to be involved in the IPO market (which included the Big 4), specialising in small caps. This also resulted in the practice becoming a preferred supplier in the audit market to mining explorers and SMEs. Mr Watts also served on the Bentleys Audit Technical Advisory Committee and played a leading role in the implementation of an auditing methodology that is compliant with Australian Auditing Standards and which has been reviewed by ASIC. He was also involved in the development of quality control procedures within the practice. Mr Watts' previous experience included 8 years as senior audit manager in another national accounting practice and 2 years in the commercial sector where he was financial accountant for the MG Kailis Group and Marlows. He has provided audit and corporate services to listed companies, large and small proprietary companies, aged care organisations, charitable and religious organisations, schools, government departments and agencies, and variable outgoings and trust accounts.