Chris Penwald has been working in the State Public Sector for over 30 years, and held senior positions for a number of agencies including the Department of Treasury, GESB and the Department of Justice. Mr Penwald joined the Department of Culture and the Arts (DCA) in 2008 as director of organisational performance, and had also acted as deputy director general, executive director of general operations, and director of business services at the WA Museum. Prior to joining the State Library in 2016, Mr Penwald was the director of arts funding and development at DCA where he oversaw the State’s investment in the arts, which included funding to a number of arts organisations and individual artists through project grants. He is also a sessional lecturer at Edith Cowan University where he teaches Financial Management in the Arts to 2nd year arts management students. Mr Penwald holds accounting and business qualifications, and is a member of the Australian Society of CPAs.