Cherie Leeden is a geologist who become managing director of Metals of Africa in 2014. She has extensive experience in exploration and resource development, across a range of commodities, in Africa, Australasia and the Americas. She has led teams in the discovery and resource development of several base metals, iron ore and coal resources. Previously Ms Leeden has worked for LionOre Mining, Rio Tinto, Strike Resources and Advaita Power Resources. Ms Leeden has a Bachelor of Science in Applied Geology degree with Honours from the Western Australian School of Mines and is a member of the Australian Institute of Geoscientists.
Cherie Leeden
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Cherie Leeden
Consultant, Business Development & Technology / Battery Minerals
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Rank | Company | # | |
187th | Battery Minerals | $635.63k | |
191st | - | Morella Corporation | $573.65k |
192nd | Meteoric Resources | $553.60k | |
193rd | Kula Gold | $548.88k | |
194th | Grand Gulf Energy | $545.74k |
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Battery Minerals
Battery Minerals
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Battery Minerals
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