Bruno Camarri AM has worked as a corporate lawyer since 1969 primarily representing clients in the energy, mining, construction and technology industries. He joined Freehills in 1969 and was admitted to a partnership in 1973. He retired as a partner in June 2003 and is now a consultant. Mr Camarri held a number of board positions on listed (Linc Resources Fund) and unlisted (Barmino) companies in the construction, manufacturing and mining industries. He was named in the Best Lawyers list (2010-2012) for Australia in the specialty of mining and nominated, in 1999 and 2000, by the London based Euromoney Legal Group Survey as one of the world’s leading energy and resources lawyers. Mr Camarri is an active participant in many Western Australian community groups and foundations. In 2008, he was appointed a member in the General Division of the Order of Australia (Queen’s Birthday 2008 Honours List). He is a patron of United Way (WA) and president of the board of governors of Meerilinga Young Children’s Foundation.