Dr Bruce Whan has experience in research, operations and management positions followed by a long career in the management of innovation and commercialisation of R&D, in particular from the public research sector. For 12 years, he was director of Swinburne Knowledge and chief executive of Swinburne Ventures, Swinburne University's commercialisation company. Dr Whan was a board member of Commercialisation Australia and has been director of several companies, mostly start-ups out of Swinburne. For 10 years, he was chair of the Victorian Innovation Centre (INNOVIC), a non-profit company assisting innovators at all levels. He is also director of Cooperative Research Centre. Dr Whan has in-depth knowledge and working experience of the challenges of the innovation process and bringing the outputs of R&D through the commercialisation process to successful market entry. He is a director of Molecular Discovery Systems and Cortical Dynamics.