Bruce Godfrey is an experienced commercial executive with knowledge of issues and risks associated with commercialising new technology and the management of investment, from embryonic stage to commercial readiness.
Mr Godfrey is a director of Wyld Group, a successful business advisory and consulting practice primarily focused on the needs of technology-based businesses, their investors, and the government agencies that support their emergence and growth. He is also director and vice president of the Australian Academy of Technology and Engineering, director of Science in Australia Gender Equity, advisory board chair for the Australian National University’s Battery Storage and Grid Integration Program, and member of the Australian Renewable Energy Agency’s Advisory Panel.
Mr Godfrey had extensive experience in the energy sector via the Victorian Renewable Energy Target’s Expert Advisory Panel and the Expert Working Group for the Australian Council of Learned Academies’ report for the Commonwealth Science Council on The Role of Energy Storage in Australia’s Future Energy Supply Mix. He chaired the Cooperative Research Centres for Biomedical Imaging Development and the Australian CRC for Renewable Energy.
Mr Godfrey is a Life Member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, and a member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors.