Brian Piesse lived in Argyle and operated businesses in Busselton and Margaret River. He had experience in strategic planning, executive management, business and market development, and education governance.
Mr Piesse was a Shire of Capel councillor, a member of the Rotary Club of Bunbury, the Bunbury Wellington Economic Alliance, a member of the Edith Cowan University (South West) Advisory Board, a member of the CY O'Connor Institute Agribusiness Industry Advisory Committee, a member of the Kings Park Botanic Gardens and Parks Authority Board of Management, a Fellow of the Australian Institute of Management, and a Fellow of the Australian Institute of Company Directors.
Mr Piesse held senior executive roles in several major international chemical and fertiliser companies before returning to Western Australia in 1997. He was a board member of the CRC for Soil and Land Management.
Mr Piesse passed away in February 2023, after a short battle with liver cancer.