Mr Hassell has worked over a broad cross-section of industries, including listed and non-listed companies. He also has experience working with private discretionary trusts, SMSFs and Private Ancillary Funds. Importantly, Ben has worked at all levels - operational, management and executive level and has an excellent understanding of business at all phases of its development. Ben also has experience in Debt and Equity Funding, Stakeholder Management and Regulatory Compliance. Ben's special areas of expertise are financial modelling, forecasting/projecting and risk mitigation. Currently, Ben holds the position of Group General Manager of the Samuel Group of Companies, a Brisbane based Investment and Consultancy Group directing and managing a diverse portfolio including cattle stations, listed mineral resource companies, rural and residential Real Estate and philanthropic services associated with DGR CEO, Nicholas Mather.
Ben Hassell
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NEW ROLE: Non-Executive Director, DGR Global | 25 Jul 2024 |