Angela Briant is an experienced superannuation fund trustee, having been a director of Concept One Superannuation Fund from 2015 to 2018 and a director of Tasplan Superannuation Fund from 2003 to 2015. At Concept One, she was chair of the remuneration committee and member of the investment and marketing/communications committees. Her experience at Tasplan included a period of very significant growth including merger activity, and she was an active member of the investment, member education and administration committees. Ms Briant is a member of ‘Women in Super’ and was involved at a national level. She is also actively involved as a board member in the not-for-profit sector including previously being national chair of the Children’s Book Council of Australia and current chair of the finance committee. Ms Briant is the general secretary of the Independent Education Union of Australia WA Branch, a member of the National Executive of the IEUA, and sits on the Executive of Unions WA.