Dr Andrew Kelly is the executive director and co-founder of BioPacific Partners, a biotech investment and consulting firm focused on providing new product development services to many of the world’s largest pharmaceutical and consumer health companies. He has a PhD with management training and is broadly experienced and networked across the Australian biotech scene. His 35-year career spans the full spectrum of discovery science through to commercial success, focusing in equal measures on research, commercialisation and investment. Starting with a Bachelor of Veterinary Science, Dr Kelly engaged in life science research and development in Australia and Canada, subsequently attaining Masters and PhD degrees. Dr Kelly led new product development for Ag Research, a large New Zealand research and development organisation, where he was also responsible for deep engagement with startups and fundraising. In 2005, Dr Kelly co-founded BioPacific Ventures - the first specialist venture fund focused across the spectrum of health, food and agriculture in Australia - which he led for 10 years. In 2014, he co-founded BioPacific Partners, partnering with some of the largest global companies investing and engaging with Australian innovation.