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The Raine Study

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The Raine Study, established in 1989, is one of the largest prospective cohorts of pregnancy, childhood, adolescence and adulthood to be carried out anywhere in the world. Its mission is to improve lifelong health and quality of life through ground-breaking, impactful research that examines influences, pathways and outcomes from before birth and throughout life’s course.

The Raine Study has grown to be a multi-generational study, following a group of young adults from before they were born and throughout their life. A total of 2900 pregnant women entered the study between 1989 and 1991, and 2868 live births were recruited into the cohort. These children born into the study, their parents, their grandparents, and now their own children, are part of one of the world’s most successful multi-generational pregnancy cohort studies.

The Raine Study is a joint venture between The University of Western Australia, Curtin University, Telethon Kids Institute, Women and Infants Research Foundation, Edith Cowan University, Murdoch University and The University of Notre Dame Australia. Flinders University in South Australia and Newcastle University in New South Wales are Institutional Partners. The study receives additional funding support from the Raine Medical Research Foundation and National Health and Medical Research Council.

Contact Details

The University of Western Australia , Building 450, 14-16 Parkway CRAWLEY WA 6009
08 6488 6952

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