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Ninja Syndicate

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Originally Ninja Software, Ninja Syndicate is a game development, crypto native, software engineering studio based in Perth, Western Australia. The name change reflects a pivot towards the Metaversal gaming space.

In February 2022, Ninja Syndicate launched Supremacy - a series of futuristic, war-based economic simulation games set in the year 2149 that connects players in an immersive, interactive, and interconnected world where they can battle to win the in-game currency SUPS. Players can deploy their NFT-backed mechs in a mass-multiplayer online battle arena, streamed 24/7, with faction members assisting by spending tokens to provide air and field support.

Its next major releases include the First Person Shooter game.

Contact Details

Level 1B, 117 Great Eastern Highway , RIVERVALE WA 6103
08 6169 1680

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