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KAEFER is a major pro­vider of con­struc­tion, main­ten­ance and in­dus­trial ser­vices across Australia. It has been op­er­at­ing in the coun­try since 1976 and globally for over 100 years. It has offices in Perth, Naval Base, Geraldton, Kalgoorlie, Port Hedland, Adelaide, Darwin, Gladstone and Mackay. The group's WA operations incorporate the 2018 acquisition of Maicon Engineering in Geraldton.

The group specialises in the de­liv­ery of mechanical ser­vices, sur­face protection, in­su­la­tion & clad­ding, ac­cess solu­tions, electrical services, pass­ive fire pro­tec­tion, mar­ine struc­tures remedia­tion and as­bes­tos manage­ment.

Its privately-owned parent company is based in Germany. Globally, KAEFER has an annual turnover of around €1.8 billion and 30,000 employees. In 2022, private equity group Altor Fund and Germany’s SMS Group acquired a 50 per cent shareholding alongside the original family owners of the business.

Contact Details

Level 4, 218 St Georges Terrace , PERTH WA 6000
08 9224 4600

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