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Challenger Institute of Technology

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The former Challenger Institute of Technology was the preferred choice for more than 17,500 students each year. It had 10 training delivery sites spanning a catchment area of 6,000 square kilometres, including four major campuses in Fremantle, Murdoch, Rockingham and Mandurah. Challenger Institute was the only Western Australian training provider with responsibility for servicing both urban and regional communities. Challenger Institute was aligned to industry needs and worked closely with more than 400 community and corporate partners and clients to build a skilled and productive workforce. Such partners have included leading companies from a variety of sectors including oil and gas, mining, hospitality, tourism, maritime, health and telecommunications. Internationally, institutional clients and partners have included state funded technical colleges, government organisations and private sector businesses. Challenger Institute delivered commercial workforce development contracts in the United Arab Emirates, Mauritius, Kazakhstan, China, Papua New Guinea, East Timor, Singapore, and Indonesia. In April 2016, the state government restructured the TAFE system, amalgamating the 11 TAFE colleges into 5 TAFE Colleges. As a result of the re-alignment Challenger Institute of Technology now falls under the umbrella of South Metropolitan TAFE.

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1 Fleet Street , FREMANTLE WA 6160
08 9239 8189

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