With recent property prices peaking in Sydney and Melbourne coupled with flat property conditions in Perth, there has been speculation recently that Perth is now the place to consider for investing in property. We all know that property investment has a number of risks so when considering investing in Perth, are there any areas that have the edge over other locations?
Whether we call them performance appraisals, reviews, feedback or the current trending term, ‘check-ins’ every organisation has its own process of identifying, measuring, and developing an employee
Once upon a time flexibility in the workplace was the sole domain of working parents, however our changing world has seen an increased expectation across all areas of your business. As with all change, this presents the organisation with a number of opportunities, as well as challenges.
It was just over a year ago that Tourism Australia launched its $40 million campaign “There’s Nothing like Australia” highlighting the country’s world-class coastal experiences and showcas
A meeting of state and federal energy ministers in August 2016 highlighted the critical role that gas will play in Australia’s rapidly evolving energy sector.
Managing ill and injured employees can be extremely testing, particularly when you suspect the absenteeism may not be genuine…or when it is genuine, but their absences are beginning to negatively impact on your operations!
After more than AU$200bn in capital investment over the last decade, Australia is emerging as an undisputed global oil and gas epicentre with Perth at its very heart.
With the petroleum industry struggling through one of the toughest periods in recent memory, there has been a growing call for government, academia and oil and gas operating and service and supply
After four years of intense work on the Presqu’ile smart city project in Grenoble, France, let me share with you two aspects of the initiative that are absolutely central to a s
Modern Awards can be confusing, from determining what award applies, to identifying how each job is classified in the award, and then what your people are entitled to… Overtime?
It’s common knowledge that often the best applicants are currently employed, however recent studies suggest that nine out of ten Australians are keen to know about a job opportunity regardless of h
In this current economic climate, many small businesses find themselves faced with the prospect of cutting wages costs. Gone are the ‘boom’ years when the main concern was finding the right s
With the future of manufacturing, construction, innovation and development in Australia over the next 20 years of vital importance to the resource sector, it’s time to reset and rethink how we plan
Your budget for the next year is set and one of the casualties is learning and development; meanwhile your employees are asking what training is available in the coming year. Bel
The changing Australian economy has resulted in a greater focus on operating costs for many businesses. Employees are often an organisation's greatest resource, and typically they also repres
The WA Mining Club’s latest Education Series unearthed an interesting discussion on innovation and technology. But are we doing it right? More of a good thing is not always better.
With the new ‘normal’ level of commodity prices and lower level of capital investment the resources industry requires every dollar of investment to stretch further and the need has arisen for more