Justin Miller’s wearable technology company Nuheara has received over $500,000 in pre-orders for its IQbuds product, which is expected to hit the market before the end of the year.
Perth-founded stock investing platform Simply Wall St has been ranked as Techboard's top startup for the past fortnight, making it the first ever company to have topped the ranking twice after having previously topped the list in December last year.
Perth-based technology company DTI Group has won a contract to supply its CCTV surveillance systems on light rail vehicles in the US city of Dallas, Texas, with the value of the deal worth up to $11.6 million.
The developer of a gun safety device has become the fifth Israeli company in the technology or medical cannabis sectors to pursue a listing on the ASX through either an IPO or a reverse takeover of a moribund WA mining company.
The state government has shortlisted six companies in the latest phase of its GovNext project to outsource its information and communications technology.
A medical research company linked to Curtin University is seeking an ASX listing through the reverse takeover of Minquest in a deal worth nearly $5 million.
Specialist materials technology company Alexium International Group has raised $6 million from investors to fund ongoing development of its flame retardant products.
West Perth-based tech company TikForce has closed marginally lower on its first day of trading, following completion of a $4.5 million capital raising as part of a reverse takeover by Palace Resources.
The news last month that CBH Group was shutting down its Lupin Foods subsidiary after failing to find a buyer shows that commercial requirements and scientific advancement do not always connect neatly.
The state government has launched a new co-working space designed to give technology-based businesses, startups and educational institutions access to its extensive property data
As this column has mentioned previously, startups and conventional businesses are different in a number of ways, and the ‘first mover advantage’ is one.
Perth-based Victory Mines has announced plans to exit resources through the acquisition of an Israeli-incorporated technology company for about $2.7 million.
Cottesloe-based Quickflix plans to cut staff, reduce directors' pay, and close offices in Sydney and Auckland in an effort to turn around the troubled streaming service.
A privately owned Henderson company is set to commercialise a revolutionary hull cleaning technology that addresses major environmental and cost pressures facing the global shipping industry.