Dug Technology had millions tied up with Silicon Valley Bank before its collapse, but is not expecting any financial loss after the US Federal Reserve assured customer deposits would be secured.
Interactive has bought Western Australia-based Slipstream Cyber Security, with the national service provider claiming the acquisition came at a critical time for Australian enterprises amid cyber threats.
Data centre DC Two has been roped into a legal stoush involving the landlord of its Bibra Lake headquarters and a company believed to be claiming ownership of equipment at the site.
AROSE, a consortium led by Fugro and Nova Systems, has been named one of two companies that will design an Australia-made lunar rover for NASA’s next trip to the Moon.
A handful of Perth-based tech companies have sought to quell speculation of their exposure to prominent tech lender Silicon Valley Bank following its collapse at the weekend.
The state government has struck a partnership deal to utilise one of the world’s "most powerful and greenest” supercomputers to make climate change projections for WA.
Kensington-based Pawsey Supercomputing Research Centre has added two new recruits to its board as well as a strategic adviser in a bid to propel the scale of the business.
Information technology company GetSwift has been slapped with a $15 million fine, the largest penalty ordered against a company for breaching continuous disclosure laws.
Limitless: ResApp co-founder Brian Leedman talks about the challenges of commercialising tech in Perth after the company was acquired by Pfizer for $179 million.