SPECIAL REPORT: A 19 per cent drop in the number of trainees and apprentices in WA over the past five years is a challenge for the new state government, but also an opportunity to grow the sector.
SPECIAL REPORT: Western Australian stockbrokers and companies raised nearly $1.1 billion in 104 transactions in the March quarter, with gold deals being a major driver of activity, according to new data compiled for the BNiQ Search Engine.
SPECIAL REPORT: Three data centre operators, including new player Pier DC, are set to be big winners from the state government’s GovNext plan, though a fourth operator is seeking to spoil the party.
SPECIAL REPORT: The growing use of technology as a business enabler is creating opportunities for information and communication technology (ICT) firms.
40under40: As the creator of two medical devices, Peter Santa Maria is determined to help Perth scientists and doctors commercialise their research and inventions.
40under40: Welcomed to Australia after fleeing his home country, Akram Azimi hopes to pay it forward by working to improve education standards for disadvantaged children.
SPECIAL REPORT: Klen International’s work in the gold sector offers a valuable insight into how Western Australian companies are taking the expertise from the state’s resources industry and developing it well beyond the mine pit.
SPECIAL REPORT: Eight years after HiSeis was spun out from Curtin University, executive chairman Don Pridmore believes its use of seismic technology in mineral exploration is starting to gain traction.
SPECIAL REPORT: Strong employment growth in the gold sector partially compensated for job losses in iron ore in the 2016 financial year, according to recently released data from the Department of Mines and Petroleum.
SPECIAL REPORT - MINING SERVICES: Higher commodity prices and investment to maintain iron ore volumes could help lift mining contractors out of the doldrums after several tough years. Click through to see this and links to four other feature stories.
Hancock Prospecting is poised to become Western Australia's biggest private company after a investment and acquisition spree in iron ore and agribusiness which is expected some time this year to push its revenue past that of the incumbent number one for the past 12 years, home builder BGC. A 2018 reranking appears certain following research for the Business News Private Companies list published today in a special report.
SPECIAL REPORT: The shake-out in Perth’s legal services market is producing some surprising winners and losers, with one of the best performers being a firm many had expected to wither.
Congested roads are becoming a way of life for many residents of Bunbury as visitors from the north clog the city’s arterial roads on weekend trips to and from the South West.
SPECIAL REPORT: Two Perth mayors have more at stake than most if the controversial Roe 8 contract is ripped up, having both devoted decades fighting on opposite sides of the debate.
SPECIAL REPORT: The head of a new boutique land developer believes difficult market conditions provide the perfect opportunity for the business to make a splash in the market.
SPECIAL REPORT: Developers are working more closely than ever with Western Australian builders to provide a diverse range of housing options to cater for changing lifestyles in a rapidly evolving market.
SPECIAL REPORT: Last year couldn’t end soon enough for the state’s land developers, who are banking on a break from adverse conditions. Click through to see our BNiQ list of land developers.
SPECIAL REPORT: WA event managers are focusing on attendee experience to gain an edge in one of the most hotly contested segments of Perth’s hospitality sector.
SPECIAL REPORT: Nearly 70 WA-connected companies listed on the ASX in 2016, but current prospects indicate there will be substantially fewer this year.
SPECIAL REPORT: There was a big rise in the number and value of completed capital raisings in WA last year, according to data compiled in the BNiQ Search Engine.