Beginning his working life as an apprentice fitter/machinist, Russell Tierney worked evenings in second jobs before buying his first business 11 years ago.
When Selina Duncalf joined BankWest as a human resource consultant at the age of 28, she set herself the ambitious goal to join the bank’s senior executive team within five years.
Justin Miller has a keen knowledge of the Australian IT marketplace and has used this information to establish and build the WA arm of BCA IT, one of Australia’s largest privately
PROJECT proponents, particularly in the government sector, have been criticised for awarding engineering contracts based on the lowest price rather than taking a ‘whole-of-life’ view.
PERTH’S biggest law firms have been shrinking over the past decade while the smaller firms have been growing, leaving some pundits to suggest most law firms will end up looking remarkably similar.
WHO holds the whip hand at Perth’s big law firms these days?
Is it the senior partners who know the local clients, or the people in Sydney and Melbourne who set the financial targets?
PARTICIPANTS in the WA Business News innovation forum nominated nanotechnology and aquaculture as two sectors with enormous potential for Western Australia.
DIGITAL content management systems developed by Bentley-based DCN (formerly Data-Cast.Net) have caught the attention of global airline industry heavyweight Water-mark.
MEETING with a group of venture capitalists is a great way to learn about some of the exciting and innovative businesses emerging from Western Australia.
THE participants in the WA Business News innovation forum agree that Western Australia’s universities need to drive commercial outcomes from their basic research.
COLLTECH Australia Limited will close its $4.5 million IPO this Friday, January 23, and, if all goes to plan, will produce collagen from sheep by the end of the year.
STRUCTURAL Monitoring Systems provides a classic example of a backyard inventor devising a breakthrough technology that is now being marketed around the world.
PERTH-BASED company FreeCargo has crafted software developed by academics at the University of Amsterdam into an online freight ordering system that provides real benefits to its users and revenue to the company.
A LACK of managerial and business skill has been identified as one of the major problems facing innovators who want to commercialise their research breakthrough.
DEMAND for Western Australian commercial property remained strong throughout 2003 and, despite the tightly held nature of this sector, the year was notable for a number of record-breaking deals,
MARKETFORCE emerged as the big winner among those competing to do business with the Western Australian government, signing a $134 million advertising contract.
A BUSINESS that started building go-karts for kids in 1989 has undergone enormous growth – to the point where it claims to be the world’s biggest producer of small to medium beach buggy kits.
WHEN Troy Hughes turned his mind to more than the just production of cardboard boxes he charted a new course for his Kewdale business.
And that direction has taken him into a new realm altogether – cardboard cutting to cater for kids.
PB Foods, the parent of dairy manufacturer Peters & Brownes, has agreed to invest $7 million to expand production of super premium ice cream for the Japanese market.
Western Australia’s exports of processed food have doubled in value over the past decade and are now worth more than $1 billion. Mark Beyer reports on a WA success story.