Shares in outdoor adventure gear retailer Kathmandu were sharply lower after the Briscoe Group's takeover offer remained unchanged while Kathmandu remained unmoved.
Myer is looking to a Topshop-led overhaul to end years of weak sales growth in its department stores, and is asking investors for the cash to pay for it.
Wesfarmers has promoted Rob Scott to managing director of a new industrials division created through the combination of its three non-retail operations.
Western Australian automotive sales have gone against the national trend for the month of July, down nearly 13 per cent on those of July 2014, despite a national increase in sales.
Retail, not mining, has borne the brunt of the slowdown in Western Australia during the past 12 months, with a study of the state’s economy by the investment bank Goldman Sachs revealing a startling decline in retail jobs of more than 20 per cent.
Bradken has sold its Bassendean engineering facility to Sydney property group Charter Hall in an off-market sale and leaseback deal worth about $32.8 million, while the Champion Drive Shopping Centre in Seville Grove has been sold for $13.5 million.
Global fashion giant H&M says its first Western Australian store will open at Lakeside Joondalup Shopping City on August 29, while it also appears to be making progress on opening its planned C
Coles has avoided a public review by the consumer watchdog by offering to divest its freehold interest in a development in Perth's southern suburbs so it can operate a new supermarket nearby in Lakelands.
Coles will refund more than $12 million to small suppliers, on top of paying a $10 million court-ordered penalty for illegally squeezing them for funds.
More than 37,000 Cash Converters customers who claimed they were charged excessive interest on short-term loans will get refunds after a multi-million dollar class action was settled out of court.
Cash Converters International is close to settling a class action launched by customers who claimed they were charged excessive levels of interest and fees on personal loans.
Woolworths's $3 billion bid to take Bunnings down a peg with its Masters hardware chain could come to an early end following the sudden resignation of the retailer's chief executive, Grant O'Brien.
Grocery wholesaler Metcash will sell its automotive business to Burson Group for $275 million and cut food and grocery prices, as it struggles to compete with the major supermarkets.
Western Australia’s neighbourhood shopping centres are among the standout performers for retail asset sales across Australia, with six transactions this year totalling at least $112 million.
Perth-based scooter manufacturer and retailer Vmoto has received firm commitments for an $8.9 million capital raising to fund its various investment initiatives.