The federal government will stump up $350 million under a new housing accord to build 1 million new homes before 2030 as well as incentivising older Australians to downsize and free up supply.
Ballajura and Alexander Heights are among Perth’s top spots for mortgage delinquencies, according to data obtained by Moody’s Investors Service trawling through residential mortgage backed securities.
A proposal for a five-storey development in West Perth has been given a thumbs up from the City of Vincent, despite more than 300 objections received during public consultation.
Western Australia’s largest local government has launched an online service, aimed to streamline more than 65 per cent of development applications lodged each year.
A $35 million development in Nedlands has hit a roadblock amid the “heated construction market", with applicant Oryx Communities requesting a two-year extension.
The City of Busselton has remained firm in its opposition to Adrian Fini's Smiths Beach Project, questioning whether the proposal was "development ready".
The Metro Inner-South Joint Development Assessment Panel unanimously approved SKS Group's proposal to build a 19-storey apartment building in Burswood.
Changes to the state government's home indemnity insurance scheme mean homebuilders can access greater cover, but the policy still leaves apartment builds out.
Retail giant Scentre Group has pleaded for a two-year deadline extension for its $42 million Whitfords apartment project amid cost escalations and supply issues.
A development assessment panel was unable to decide on a six-storey apartment proposal on the old Mediterranean restaurant site despite a two-hour meeting today.
Cedar Woods has booked a 12 per cent increase in presales compared with this time last year, but says rising interest rates are keeping a lid on overall sales volumes.
Mirvac Group chief executive officer Susan Lloyd-Hurwitz has tendered her resignation after a decade with the property group, following suit from outgoing chair John Mulcahy.
Malaysian property developer SKS Group has cleared another hurdle in progressing its $40 million Burswood project, with the Town of Victoria Park council backing the apartment build.
Daughter of bankrupted Perth racing identity Alan Macalister, Kirsty Wardle, has sold two Bayswater properties, both subject to freezing orders in the Federal Court.