THE Royal Australian Institute of Architects WA chapter has successfully convinced the Commonwealth Government to designate 2004 as the Year of the Built Environment.
In part six of an eight-part series on development, Tracey Cook explores what tools are used in the industry to manage the inevitable risk that comes with development projects.
PROPERTY Council executive director Joe Lenzo has criticised the State Government for relying on a high number of property transactions to fund essential services.
With over 65s likely to represent 22 per cent of Western Australia’s population by the year 2031, retirement village development is a rapidly expanding industry, as Tracey Cook reports.
THE 100-metre setback guideline for all development in the State Government’s new coastal planning policy has received a mixed response from the property development industry.
WITH the lifestyle themes becoming more important in the marketing of residential estates, it is common for these developments to be built around recreational facilities such as golf courses, ornamental lakes or marinas.
AFTER years of lacklustre growth and playing second fiddle to southern regional centres, the Mid-West regional city of Geraldton is experiencing a change in fortunes. And investors are beginning to take note.
MORTGAGE broker, Mortgage Choice has recorded a growth of 34 per cent in Western Australian home loan approvals for the March quarter 2003, compared with the same period in 2002.
HOME construction is becoming an increasingly attractive option as the median house price pushes through the $200,000 mark, with growing numbers of Perth investors sinking their money into house and land packages.
IN general terms a ‘developer’ is considered to be an investor in property, whether it be a construction company that also undertakes its own development projects, or a property assets trust developing a recent acquisition.
A RECENT economic impact report has highlighted the State’s billion-dollar land development industry as a major employment generator and contributor to the economy.
THE rapid pace of technological change has presented building managers and property developers with a new dilemma – what technology infrastructure should they implement?
THE construction of Exmouth Marina Village is already delivering benefits to the local economy, with LandCorp estimating about 20 per cent of the contracts value was flowing back
PLANNING and Infrastructure Minister Alannah MacTiernan has appointed Peter McGowan, a barrister who has specialised in planning law, as the new chair of the Town Planning Appeal
MIRVAC Fini will sponsor an annual art event in order to develop links between its new Quay West Resort Bunker Bay development and the Margaret River art world.