Chamber of Commerce and Industry chief executive John Langoulant has forecast a steadying of Western Australia’s economy and the property market as industry catches up on a backlog of work.
New South Wales Premier Bob Carr has acknowledged the broadening of land tax and the introduction of a vendor tax last year are hurting the Labor Party in NSW.
Australian Securities and Investments Commission chairman Jeff Lucy last week called for nationally consistent real estate legislation and regulation of the property industry in an appearance before the Senate Economics Legislation Committee.
After four years of nearly full-time volunteer work for a not-for-profit organisation, and driven by the desire to be in a position to contribute to aid and education on an intern
City planners debating the issues of growth, sustainability, community and environment in Perth have vast resources of information available to them via the experiences of other cities throughout the world.
Investors in property shouldn’t expect returns of recent years to continue unchecked, according to Gavin Hegney, despite expectations the market in Western Australia will be among the nation’s top performers throughout 2005.
Property Council vacancy figures for the CBD office market show Perth’s vacancy rate has dropped to 13.4 per cent with 17,000 square metres of space newly leased in the six months to January 2005.
Amendments made last year to LandCorp’s governing legislation enabling the agency to engage with the private sector has been the catalyst for several joint ventures with partners such as Mirvac Fini, BGC, and Doric.
The much-debated sinking of the rail line that divides the CBD and Northbridge is predicted to send property prices upwards and inject much-needed life into the neglected precinct.
PERTH property industry pundits are expecting a steady year for the residential property market in 2005 and a consolidation of last year’s market posit
WESTFIELD’S purchase of a half-share in Whitford City Shopping Centre for $192.5 million ranks as the largest property sale in Western Australia for 2004.
DORIC Constructions and LandCorp have entered a joint venture agreement to build a residential complex in LandCorp’s Mandurah Ocean Marina development.
THE High Court has overturned a decision by Western Australia’s Full Supreme Court in relation to statutory compensation for property affected by plann
THE Department of Land Information (DLI) was recently awarded an $11.3 million contract with a Swedish joint venture partner to provide land administra
WHILE increasing median house and land values are widely seen as positive, particularly by those already in the market, home affordability is rapidly becoming a sensitive issue in Western Australia.
A LEGISLATIVE loophole allowing buyers of off-the-plan apartments to later rescind their contracts has been amended, providing greater certainty for de
DESPITE a heated construction market, cost increases in labour and materials are eroding profits for some builders, particularly in the residential sec
THE owners of several prominent Perth buildings have made modifications to incorporate sustainable principles ahead of the release by the Green Building Council of Australia of its sustainability guidelines.