A group of Western Australian entrepreneurs played a significant role in changing the nature of the national home loan market, which as recently as 15 years ago offered consumers little choice in lenders.
The Old Swan Brewery is best known for its restaurants, function centre and apartments, but its commercial office wing has attracted a new tenant in project management firm Emerso
An online system that has slashed processing times for building approvals is spreading to new building companies and local councils following a successful four-month pilot of the scheme.
The University of Western Australia plans to build a $30 million museum to house its indigenous arts collection on Stirling Highway after ending negotiations with the state government to use the former Sunset Hospital site.
The state government is seeking expressions of interest from tourism developers on a six-hectare piece of coastal land at Denham in the Shark Bay area.
With the new Cockburn Central precinct taking shape, the City of Cockburn has turned its attention west to Spearwood and Hamilton Hill, with plans for joint venture developments o
A common fixture in high-density cities such as Tokyo and Sydney, vehicle-stacking technology has been proposed for just the second time in a Perth residential project, with the latest unit planned for an apartment complex in West Perth.
The opening of a $4 million privately funded, dual carriageway steel and concrete bridge over Millars Creek near Bunbury has given the all-clear for release of an additional 700 residential lots in greater Bunbury.
Western Australian property developer Dick Lester is preparing to diversify into retirement village and health care developments, as well as planning one of the largest residentia
Global investment bank Babcock & Brown Ltd has established a Perth office following several major infrastructure and property investments in Western Australia.
Construction of one of Western Australia’s largest tourism resorts north of Perth, the Jurien Bay Beach Resort, has been delayed by 12 months because of dust management issues.
Proponents and supporters of the $200 million Victoria Quay project have been encouraged by the results of a recent survey of residents and visitors to Fremantle.
Unique to the South West region of Western Australia, the western ringtail possum has found itself in the midst of a development boom in Busselton and Dunsborough which has government authorities and property developers chasing their tails.
With a national investment portfolio of properties worth more than $1 billion, Primewest Management Ltd is shifting into more design and construct projects with office buildings in the CBD and at Herdsman, and a psychiatric facility in Joondalup planned.
Several Perth-based listed property groups have announced solid profit results this month, with diversification across market sectors a common strategy underpinning their performance.
Now that Perth’s office space shortage has reached flash point, developers are pushing ahead with office developments on the city fringe to take advantage of soaring rents.
Watersun Property managing director Garry Garside’s only Melbourne syndicate, Clarke Street Pty Ltd, acquired its first asset last week, capping off a busy period for the Perth-based occupational physician.
Concerns are emerging about the implications of stage two of the state government’s Five Star Plus environmental initiative, even before the housing industry has implemented the first stage of the plan.
The failed property developer Westpoint Group owes investors more than $420 million and with two exceptions, investors in most of its projects will receive little if any return, a report by the Australian Securities and Investments Commission has found.
Employers and employees in the real estate sector will have the right to agree on commission-only payment arrangements from October 1, when the Australian Fair Pay Commission’s new piece rate Australian pay and classification scale for the sector comes in
Two new communities, dubbed Haynes and Hilbert, will spring up in the green southern locale of Brookdale early next year, when developers begin subdividing up to 1,580 hectares of land around the Wungong Brook.
Roxby Architects has built a strong niche in the design sector by specialising in retail interiors, including the design of all McDonald’s restaurants and Betts shoe stores across Australia.
Large block sizes may be a key attraction for many living in the Perth Hills area, but the landscape is set to change with a number of higher density residential developments being proposed for the region.
Building companies are set to benefit from strong mining-driven demand for housing in the Pilbara, with two major projects getting the go ahead in the past week.
Western Australia’s resources boom continues to put pressure on Perth’s commercial office space market, according to the Property Council of Australia WA.
Housing affordability is a political hot button at the moment, but visiting American public policy guru Wendell Cox believes we’ve only got ourselves to blame.
Western Australia has the lowest rate of housing affordability in the nation, according to a new study by the Urban Development Institute of Australia.
If one building summarised the modern evolution of Perth’s business district, then 1 Adelaide Terrace, which sold last week for $87 million, could well be it.
The state government has revealed plans to increase rental housing supply in the inner city by using investment from superannuation funds and property trusts to redevelop four sites in Northbridge.