Housing and Works minister Michelle Roberts has announced the release of two significant new affordable house and land packages for people who qualify for the Government's First Start shared equity loan scheme.
DIVERSIFIED property player Aspen Group Ltd says its conservative debt position has placed it in a ‘sound position’, despite the volatility and uncertainty prevailing in the listed property sector.
As commercial vacancies remain at record lows across Perth’s CBD, property owners are undertaking major refurbishments to utilise what little space remains.
The author of an international housing survey has defended its findings, notably the surprise inclusion of Mandurah among the world’s least affordable cities in terms of housing prices when compared to income.
PERTH’S northern suburbs are tipped to provide some good opportunities for investors and owner occupiers, as more properties come onto the market and sellers become more willing to negotiate, accordin
WHILE the WA Business News Innovation forum in the January 17 edition provided some interesting debate, opinions expressed in the article ‘Pathway to commercialisation’ on university research commerci
Supply in Perth’s industrial market is expected to more than double this year, yet pre-commitments are high and take-up is expected to be restricted, according to Jones Lang LaSalle’s market report for the fourth quarter of 2007.
Sydney-based property developer Mirvac is proposing a series of high-rise apartment blocks overlooking the Peel Inlet as part of a major new project in Mandurah.
The Real Estate Institute of Western Australia has questioned the methodology behind an international survey which claims Mandurah is the most unaffordable city in Australia.
Diversified property player Aspen Group Ltd says its solid balance sheet and conservative debt position has placed the group in a "sound position", despite the volatility and uncertainty prevailing in the listed property sector.
National rail freight operator, Pacific National, has signed a longterm lease agreement with the state government to secure an additional 38 hectares of land adjoining its Kewdale site.
The Fremantle business community has sought to rescue Peter Briggs’ motor museum from closure, putting forward an alternative plan to move it to a building used by the nearby Western Australian Maritime Museum.
The median Perth house price rose 1.1 per cent to a record $466,000 in the December quarter, slightly higher than the previous peak recorded in the March quarter last year.
A light rail network connecting East Perth and Subiaco is the subject of a report released this month by the Department of Planning and Infrastructure.
Wictoria Park-based building company, Westwide Developments Pty Ltd, is making headway with its move into land development, preparing to develop 110 hectares of land in Baldivis over the next few years
The Perth industrial property market may have enjoyed significant growth in 2007, but property analysts say this year is unlikely to deliver the same returns, despite supply remaining fairly tight.
Sydney-based property giant Mirvac Ltd is to take on development of the Binningup townsite north of Bunbury, entering a deal with Binningup Nominees Pty Ltd, the long-running proponent of Lakewood Shores.
Henderson-based Nomad building Solutions Ltd has announced today the $40 million acquisition of the construction, property management and modular building business units of Rapley Wilkinson.
New figures reveal that the median Perth house prices rose 1.1 per cent to a record $466,000 in the December quarter, slightly higher than the previous peak recorded in the March quarter last year.
As popular commercial suburbs put up the ‘no vacancy’ signs, many businesses have been forced to look to neighbouring areas to find space to accommodate their growing enterprises.
The performance of WA's industrial property market during the past 12 months has more than matched the commercial sector, with record sales and rents being generated, although prices are tipped to level out as more supply comes on to the market in 2008.
An up-market wine bar planned for Leederville’s Oxford Street has been stopped in its tracks after the Town of Vincent rejected planning approval, leaving its developer nursing $30,000 in costs and considering taking the business to Melbourne or overseas.
VICTORIA Park-based property group Tasica Developments Ltd has launched a prospectus to raise up to $5.5 million to help fund the development of a 75-lot residential subdivision in Baldivis.
State Scene hopes opportunities arise during 2008 that will enable a historical assessment of recent contemporary events, making them more meaningful in the wider context.
With only 7,000 square metres of office space remaining in the CBD and West Perth, and rents already passing $800 per square metre this year, property analysts expect developers will head for Perth’s fringe suburbs to boost office stock
Western Australia’s commercial office market notched up almost $1 billion in sales last year, and while some analysts predict the same heights may not be reached in 2008, market fundamentals indicate that strong growth is likely to continue.
The Australian Property Institute, in conjunction with Finsia, is holding its fifth annual residential property outlook breakfast, January 31 at the Perth Convention & Exhibition Centre.
The Melbourne-based builder behind Perth’s iconic $1.3 billion Capital Square apartment development on the former Emu Brewery site, Contexx Pty Ltd, has pulled out of the project, leaving developer Saville Australia to negotiate a new contract.