Western Australia’s home-building sector may be set to break all-time records in the 2014-15 financial year but the booming conditions aren’t likely to last, with a significant slowdown predicted over the next two years.
Perth will need to build an extra 800,000 homes over the next 35 years to accommodate population growth, a new report has concluded, and nearly half of these homes will need to be in existing suburbs.
Perth home prices have ticked slightly higher in April to a median price of $520,000, which equates to an increase of just 0.3 per cent over the past year
Apartment developer Finbar Group is planning to revise its Civic Heart project in South Perth, after agreeing to purchase a neighbouring property that includes the heritage-listed Australia Post building on Mill Point Rd.
The City of Fremantle has strongly rejected claims by a local ratepayers and residents group that the civic component of Fremantle’s $300 million Kings Square redevelopment will result in a $30 million loss.
The commercial construction sector is emerging as a bright spot amid all the doom and gloom in WA. Click through to see the special report, with details of Perth's biggest construction jobs.
LandCorp has launched the first-stage of its ambitious Cockburn Coast redevelopment project, which it envisages will become home to 12,000 people in medium and high-density housing.
Property developers with projects worth as little as $2 million and as much as $10 million can choose to have their proposals evaluated by a Development Assessment Panel rather than their local council.
Nedlands-based Mustera Property Group has bought a 2,223 square metre lot in East Perth from Georgiou Capital for $4 million, and has the option to buy an adjoining lot for a further $8.5 million.
A fresh tranche of major commercial assets will come on to the market in and around the Perth CBD this year, potentially spurring sales activity after a sluggish 12 months.
A property development planned for Newman has brought together a couple of unlikely bedfellows and set up a unique social enterprise for the St Bart’s not-for-profit group.
Foreign buyers are not having a significant impact on Perth’s apartment market, with fresh research by Urbis showing they only make up around 7 per cent of buyers.
Cedar Woods Properties has sold the Masters Home Improvement store at its Williams Landing project in Victoria to an undisclosed buyer for $36 million.
The future of Karratha’s $70 million DoubleTree by Hilton proposal appears to be tied to the health of the Pilbara economy, with the hotel’s developer forced to redesign the project to finalise a suitable construction financing deal.
Office landlords and leasing agents are upping the ante to secure key tenants, with competition to get the signatures of CBH Group and Telstra expected to be fierce over coming months.
SLUGGISH conditions in Perth’s residential market haven’t dented confidence, with new research showing a marked increase in the number of Western Australians who believe now is a good time to buy p
Home builders are reconfiguring their offering to provide more options at the affordable end of the market, as developers seek to maximise their output by changing the shape of Perth’s increasingly smaller residential lots.
New office builds and significant incentives for tenants to shift premises are ensuring Perth’s interior design firms are kept busy, with fresh office fit-outs relying on technology to ensure flexibility and potential growth needs are met.
A $70 million property development planned for the Pilbara mining town of Newman has brought together a couple of unlikely bedfellows and, in the process, created uncertainty for some existing reta
THE Heritage Council of WA is gearing up to launch a campaign to promote the commercial benefits of heritage properties, to encourage more adaptive reuse of historic buildings for retail, hospitali
THE slowdown in commercial office construction has tightened competition among Perth-based architects, with firms slashing fees, cutting staff, outsourcing work and moving into new sectors to keep