Home builder Cedar Woods Properties is on track to deliver a record result for a sixth straight year and has upgraded its earnings guidance after doubling first-half profit.
The future of a not-for-profit drug and alcohol rehabilitation centre considered among the strictest in Australia is in doubt due to a planning dispute.
Premier Colin Barnett has ruled out any further state tax increases in the upcoming budget, and has said the government might look at reviewing land tax aggregation, at this morning’s Business News Success & Leadership breakfast.
Property syndicator APiL says it only took a matter of days to raise the equity required to buy Ballajura Central shopping centre from Charter Hall REIT.
Two apartment projects on the outskirts of Northbridge have provided a window into the challenges facing developers in Perth’s multi-residential sector.
Western Australian MP Ian Goodenough has called for a ministerial review into the federal government’s tightening of offshore investment regulations, saying the policy change is having an unintended detrimental impact on property development.
The north-west coastal suburb of Alkimos is Perth’s best prospect for capital growth for property investors in 2016, according to research group Onthehouse.com.au.
Two weeks after Elizabeth Quay was opened to the public, construction trucks are coming back to Barrack Square, with work to begin on SKS Group’s DoubleTree by Hilton hotel next month.
Property developer Mirvac Group has lifted half-year profit 69 per cent, helped by revaluation gains in its portfolio, but expects conditions to remain challenging in Western Australia into FY18.
Consumers in Western Australia have continued to benefit from affordable prices, with record low petrol prices weighing down on national inflation (the headline annual inflation rate is currently at 1.7 per cent).
National developer Stockland is expecting another year of solid growth after booking a 50 per cent rise in net profit for the first half of the 2016 financial year, but it’s not likely any of that
Some of Western Australia’s lowest income residents may soon be able to access solar panels and other energy efficient devices following the announcement of a $250 million national package aimed at improving existing and helping build greener community housing.
The state government’s asset sales program has taken a step forward today, with Gresham Advisory Partners appointed as lead adviser for the partial sale of Keystart’s loan book.
The owners of egg producer Golden Egg Farms are set to reap a big profit after striking a deal with apartment developer Finbar Group for a $109 million project in Palmyra.
Property developer Diploma Group has been selected to build the new Quest Hotel Midland and the Yanchep Surf Life Saving Club, with the two contracts worth a combined $22 million.
reiwa.com property sales data for the overall market for the week ending February 2 totalled 723, which represents a 36 per cent increase in total sales over the week.
Apartment developer Finbar Group has won approval to go ahead with its third major new project in South Perth, amid continuing debate over the appropriateness of high-density projects for the subur
The number of new homes approved for construction in Western Australia fell for a 15th consecutive month in December, with the industry flagging a downturn in national activity.
Perth dwelling values fell 1 per cent in January as Australia’s combined capital cities showed a 0.9 per cent rise, with the local market expected to remain soft this year.
SPECIAL REPORT: The planned redevelopment of the Shenton Park hospital site will add to a string of LandCorp projects boosting residential land supply in the western suburbs.
An intriguing institutional form of musical chairs took place last year involving the Catholic Archdiocese of Perth, the Freemasons’ state branch, and union United Voice.
Construction is set to start on a boutique property development in Craigie that will deliver independent, accessible accommodation villas to people with disabilities.
A collaboration between Victor Goh’s AAIG and Adrian Fini’s private development firm, Fini Group, plans to develop apartments and a hotel at Elizabeth Quay, after offering $85 million for two lots.