Property developer Stockland is reaping the benefits of a surge in house and land sales driven by strong population growth, job growth and low interest rates.
Architect Sam Klopper has shrugged off community consternation over an apartment project on Kennedy Street in Maylands, instead pitching the development as a model for future urban infill.
Slowing residential construction has claimed more scalps, with the flow-on effects likely to have negative repercussions for the affordability of new housing.
LWP Property Group has launched two new land estates in Perth’s southern suburbs, shrugging off slowing market conditions that are forcing other developers to look interstate.
Apartment developer Finbar Group has unveiled plans to build a three-tower residential complex in Applecross, with the project expected to fetch $350 million.
A for sale sign has gone up at the flagship project at Elizabeth Quay, with developer Far East Consortium putting its Ritz-Carlton hotel on the block just one week after Premier Colin Barnett turned the first sod on the luxury development.
Bunnings’ property arm, BWP Trust, has posted a solid 48 per cent increase in net profit for the 2016 financial year, backed by some big revaluations and higher rental growth.
Advocates for the abolition of Western Australia’s development assessment panels took a hit yesterday, after the WA Local Government Association knocked back two motions that called for the scrappi
Probuild has started construction of the Ritz-Carlton hotel and The Towers apartments project at Elizabeth Quay, with the luxury development to open in 2019.
Perth’s office vacancy rate has risen to nearly 22 per cent, but the Property Council of Australia says that figure could mark an end to commercial landlords' pain due to the supply cycle having peaked.
A new food and beverage precinct will open early next year on St Georges Terrace, with Mirvac Group today unveiling its vision for a redeveloped Allendale Square.
An increase in office vacancies in Perth’s CBD has shifted the market dynamic clearly in favour of tenants, but despite a historically high level of empty floors, there is little choice for companies that need a lot of space.
Perth’s commercial property sector is reeling from the simultaneous downturn in iron ore and oil and gas, but the WA capital is not alone among global resources hubs.
Apartments developer Finbar Group has reached an agreement to buy LandCorp's last available plot of land in the Springs redevelopment precinct in a deal worth $6.4 million, but has not yet specified when it will proceed with the development.
Liquidators have been appointed to Crawford Property Group, with the firm becoming the second Pilbara-focused real estate player to run into strife in 2016.
Construction of some of Perth’s tallest buildings was never part of the City of South Perth’s plan to revitalise the suburb, according to Mayor Sue Doherty.
Founder and managing director of Perth-based online property portal Mark Woschnak has announced his immediate resignation from the business.
Commercial landlords in West Perth are coming under increasing pressure to retain tenants, as the near-city suburb’s office vacancy rate hits all-time highs.
A new dining and entertainment precinct will open late next year in the northern suburbs, featuring up to 10 new restaurants and an eight-screen cinema complex.
Perth’s residential property market may be enveloped in a cloud of doom and gloom, but the Real Estate Institute of Western Australia has released a list of eight suburbs across the city that recor