Opinion Future liquid fuels problems solvable now Australia must find an alternative to imported oil. 19 May 2011
Opinion Tranquility and tension co-exist Recent turmoil aside, the Middle East is a region of contrasts, politically and economically. 19 May 2011
Opinion Rare earths move to become more common Export embargoes on all manner of goods could change the way the trade world works. 19 May 2011
Opinion Pilbara 2020: developments and challenges Providing infrastructure in health, education and basic services is essential if the Pilbara’s potential is to be achieved. 19 May 2011
Opinion Two-speed economy's division widens Australia might have a two-speed economy today, but when interest rates rise again next month only one half will be moving. The other half will be dead. 18 May 2011
Opinion Current solar policy a waste, Moore or less The cost of solar power is a major problem for the renewables sector. 12 May 2011
Opinion James Price Point hub a step closer The backers of the James Price Point gas hub in the Kimberley face real challenges getting support where it is really needed. 12 May 2011
Opinion Political elite clearly lacks common touch The halls of Parliament House in Canberra are filled with political careerists. 12 May 2011
Opinion Govt gets ready to make a move The state government's move from Governor Stirling Tower has ruffled a few feathers, but it makes sense in the longer term. 12 May 2011
Opinion Glasenberg to win big from Glencore float Andrew Forrest may have a big number in his ‘wealth column’, but he’s down 2-0 against an old foe. 12 May 2011
Opinion Pay one way to lift political performance The political system needs a makeover from the ground up. 12 May 2011
Opinion China trade poses questions of self-respect Many Australian businesses may have no qualms about trading with China, but the national government may be forced into a corner on the issue. 05 May 2011
Opinion Business slow to adopt employer branding Very few companies in WA are effectively selling themselves to current and prospective staff. 05 May 2011
Opinion Dutch develop resistance to their ‘disease’ Shouldn’t governments be saving more if we’re to avoid Dutch Disease? 05 May 2011
Opinion Migration key to wages outcomes Managing wages growth is a critical business issue, and requires a raft of policy settings to be correct. 05 May 2011
Opinion How do republicans view independence? If Australia is to cut constitutional ties with Britain it must be for the right reasons. 05 May 2011
Opinion WA clubs gambling on the pokies Andrew Wilkie’s plans for legislation on poker machines could change the way gaming plays out in this state. 05 May 2011
Opinion AC/DC, AFL, arts and pay to play What is art, what is business, and who should pay for the state’s cultural infrastructure like sporting stadiums and museums? 28 Apr 2011
Opinion Gillard failing to make a positive impact Things are going from bad to worse for Julia Gillard and her government. 28 Apr 2011
Opinion Uranium policy Labor’s albatross State Labor faces a political and ideological challenge when it next addresses its policy on uranium. 28 Apr 2011
Opinion ‘Golden canary’ thrives on adversity The gold price is a remarkably accurate indicator of the state of the world economy. 28 Apr 2011
Opinion Problem gambling needs to be addressed The Productivity Commission faced challenges gathering evidence for its recent inquiry into the gambling industry, but reached firm conclusions. 28 Apr 2011
Opinion Crying poor while the money flows in Tax levels are at a historic high, so where’s all the money gone? 28 Apr 2011
Opinion Science funds cuts indicate a wider malaise It’s worth taking note when scientists buck-up against a Labor government. 21 Apr 2011
Opinion Workplace relations a sleeper issue Among the many big policy issues facing government, workplace relations could have the largest impact on business. 21 Apr 2011
Opinion Magic pudding a costly, flavourless meal The government’s carbon tax proposal gets more convoluted by the day. 21 Apr 2011
Opinion Cautionary tale of opportunity lost John D’Orazio was a central figure in the turmoil that eventually brought Labor’s reign, under Alan Carpenter to an end. 21 Apr 2011
Opinion Ill wind blows for flag of convenience The CME should be careful what it wishes for as the good times roll. 21 Apr 2011
Opinion Shared value the next big thing in business It may be an inconvenient truth, but companies must take the lead in bringing business and society back together. 21 Apr 2011
Opinion Mixed signals from WA economy Christian Porter might be planning to prime the pump in his May budget. 14 Apr 2011
Opinion Academic creations have no business case Higher-than-expected construction costs are hurting the government’s great infrastructure project – the NBN. 14 Apr 2011
Opinion Designing fewer, faster and better meetings While they’re widely considered to be unproductive and too long, meetings still take up much of a manager’s day. 14 Apr 2011