Finders Resources has inked a deal with Standard Bank for the sale of up to 60 per cent of all copper cathode produced at its Wetar project in Indonesia.
Legal experts have suggested mining magnate Clive Palmer's promised High Court challenge against Labor's carbon tax may be nothing more than hot air that won't come to pass.
Fortescue Metals Group says the overnight doubling of its recent bond offering means that it doesn't need to tap US debt markets again to help pay for its $US8.4 billion ($A8.06 billion) iron ore p
Nexus Energy has been approached by big energy companies seeking a slice of its Crux joint venture in Western Australia in order to secure future liquefied natural gas (LNG) supply.
Mining and mining related businesses make up 20 per cent of the national economy and the sector is much larger than many people think, a Minerals Council of Australia report says.
Treasurer Wayne Swan has released draft laws to cut the corporate tax rate for both large and small businesses, amid opposition claims the proposed tax cuts are a con.
Carrick Gold says it is aiming to become the dominant gold explorer and developer in the northern goldfields, after acquiring Pioneer Resources' Mt Jewell gold tenements for $8 million.
The Labor caucus has debated whether laws governing trusts are tough enough to stop them from being used for tax minimisation, as a high-profile case involving mining magnate Gina Rinehart continue
Gold hopeful Millennium Minerals has announced a $16.6 million capital raising and has restructured its debt facilities to boost its coffers as it ramps up its Nullagine gold project in the Pilbara
Independent MP Tony Windsor has called on National Party Senate leader Barnaby Joyce to explain his involvement in the legal battle between mining magnate Gina Rinehart and three of her children.
US President Barack Obama will announce a new trade suit against China prompted by Beijing's restrictions on the export of rare earth materials used in manufacturing hi-tech products.
Europcar has formed a partnership with a small car rental business based in Esperance in an attempt to increase its share of Western Australia’s mine-specific vehicle rental market.
Western Australia boasts the top four producing gold mines in Australia as the country remained the world’s second-largest producer of the precious metal during the 2011 calendar year, gold mining
Australia's largest gold producer Newcrest Mining says new laws limiting foreign ownership of mines in Indonesia will not affect its Gosowong operations on Halmahera Island.
Perth-based engineering firm Clough’s joint venture with BAM International has been awarded its third major jetty or near shore marine contract since the beginning of February, winning a $370 milli
Gina Rinehart's three oldest children should follow advice to "go out and earn for themselves" if they are not happy about the family trust, according to a media release put out by her lawyers.
Rio Tinto Iron Ore executive Joanne Farrell has been named the Women in Resources Champion for 2012 by Western Australia’s Chamber of Minerals and Energy.