Julie Bishop and Lucy Turnbull are among prominent female leaders working with Nicola Forrest to spark change on gender equality issues ahead of the federal election.
Fran Logan, a former minister under premiers Geoff Gallop, Alan Carpenter and Mark McGowan, will chair a community reference committee for a proposed marine park in WA's southeast.
WA Liberal leader David Honey has labelled a proposed $117.5 million effort to establish two hydrogen hubs in the Pilbara and Mid-West an “embarrassing pipedream.”
The state government has agreed to raise its timber harvesting quota by 12,000 tonnes, after the construction industry warned a shortage threatened to delay projects.
While council amalgamations have been extensive across Australia in recent decades, organised opposition and one blundered attempt has made it a nonstarter here in WA.
Hundreds of management and system control weaknesses have been found across state government departments, with a record number of red marks from auditors.
The looming vaccination deadline for some of the state’s most critical industries will not exacerbate current labour shortages, Premier Mark McGowan claims.
Dozens of consultants were engaged across WA’s public sector in the first half of this year, with Infrastructure WA spending nearly $1 million on external advisers.
Chamber of Commerce and Industry of WA has condemned “concerning” reports that businesses may be forced to pay tax on grants they received during COVID-19.
The Housing Authority has received a red mark from auditors for its payroll controls, two years after former senior bureaucrat Paul Whyte was arrested for fraudulent invoices.
Labor wants to change employment laws to ensure casual workers taken on through labour-hire companies have the same entitlements as their permanent colleagues.
The City of Swan’s tender review committee is standing by its decision to list Perkins as the preferred tenderer for Ellenbrook’s $58 million Leisure Centre, despite a call for it to be revoked.
Big Start Capital, headed by the son of Attorney General John Quigley, is suing the state government for damages for allegedly breaching a personal protective equipment supply deal.
Almost all funding allocated to tax relief for commercial landlords as part of recent COVID-19 relief measures was either spent as industry support or returned to consolidated revenue, state parliament has heard.
The opposition has accused the state government of ramming through the new Aboriginal Heritage Bill, while industry warns the significant adjustment required should not be underestimated.
Peter Woronzow has been formally appointed director general of the Department of Transport, one of five DG roles the state government has needed to fill.
Western Australians will mark off a state-wide ballot paper for the upper house when they head to the polls in 2025, following passage of the state government's electoral reforms overnight.
Drawing a line in the sand and setting a date to reopen the state’s borders will help speed up vaccinations, Wesfarmers chief executive Rob Scott has said.
A new role for John Langoulant in the UK has led to a reshuffle of Rottnest Island Authority's board, including a major promotion and the addition of Mark McGowan's former chief of staff.
Woodside Petroleum has told the FIFO sexual misconduct inquiry it sacked 12 staff over substantiated sexual harassment incidents during the past five years.
ABC chair Ita Buttrose has raised concerns that a parliamentary inquiry into the national broadcaster's complaints handling processes could be an attempt to undermine its independence and oust its board.
ASX-listed companies have detailed roughly $2 billion in JobKeeper payments spanning the last two financial years, with only a handful making voluntary repayments.
WA’s jobless rate has fallen to a nine-year low but declining employment indicates workers are withdrawing from the labour force while outstanding vacancies remain unfilled.