Mineral sands miner Iluka Resources Ltd has revealed a fresh heavy mineral discovery in the New South Wales portion of its Murray Basin tenenment holdings.
High-profile company director Tony Howarth has been elected president of the Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Australia's peak national employer and business organisation.
Mortgage Choice's annual consumer sentiment survey has found Western Australians are overwhelming positive about the state's housing market and economic future, despite the threat of further interest rate hikes.
The State Government is investing $1million to support industrial land needs in the Perth metropolitan area and Peel region by developing the General Industrial Land Planning Strategy.
The Environmental Protection Authority has reiterated its recommendation to approve a major expansion of Kalgoorlie's Super Pit, following a request by environment minister David Templeman to re-assess its advice.
Ballajura Community College teacher Ray Roberts has won the Western Australian Teacher of the Year award at a ceremony this morning, taking home a $100,000 prize.
Administrative and clerical staff numbers in the Department of Education and Training has grown by more than seven times that of teaching staff under the current State Government.
A report released today, which analysed the options for a new national industrial system for Australia, provides a valuable starting point for discussions about creating a co-operative system, Employment Protection Minister Michelle Roberts said.
Hundreds of new jobs will be created for indigenous Australians in the Pilbara under a landmark agreement between the State Government and Rio Tinto Iron Ore.
A survey of businesses in the Mandurah and Peel region has revealed the area has existing technology capabilities and the potential to be the Western Australia's next technology hub, the state government said today.
Resources minister Francis Logan has announced the release of the first 'tight gas' acreage block, a source which could power Western Australia's entire domestic gas demand for more than a year.
Burke says he helped Premier win poll; Mid-West hopeful braces for attack; This is final Tap, say dissidents; NAB back in the US with $900m deal; Tanner says Labor on top of sovereign wealth funds eyeing Australia's strategic assets
A report from the Chamber of Commerce and Industry WA has forecast that a national emissions trading scheme would have the most impact on the power generation, transport and manufacturing industries.
One of the big surprises of the new Labor ministry was the selection of fomer ACTU president Martin Ferguson as the resources and energy minister, in place of WA senator Chris Evans who held that role in the shadow ministry.
Planning and Infrastructure Minister Alannah MacTiernan today provided the State Government's response to the Parliamentary Inquiry of the Education and Health Standing Committee in relation to the Cause and Extent of Lead Pollution in the Esperance Area.
Liberal leader Paul Omodei has moved to establish a Parliamentary Procedure and Privileges Committee to investigate allegations made by Shelley Archer that the Premier misled the Parliament to the he House in regard to his actions in requesting the resign
BHP boss rattles Rio Tinto's cage; Bosses in blitz to block AWAs; PwC snares adviser Gem; Class actions cloud Quantas' horizon; US feels power of cashed-up foreign funds
Western Australians are seriously lagging behind other states when it comes to using renewable energy, according to a report tabled in Parliament today by auditor general Colin Murphy.
Top Perth pubs picked up for $190m Compass float; BHP fires barrage at regulators over policy; Anger as two states lift ban on GM canola; Rio in $500m drilling push to fill Pilbara export targets; Aussi shoppers get bad deal, says retail guru.
Two months after the accountants at Bentleys MRI Perth joined the Grant Thornton network, they have undertaken a striking refurbishment of their West Perth office.
THE dispute over Western Power chief executive Doug Aberle’s annual bonus has been resolved, following negotiations between the utility’s chairman, Peter Mansell, and Energy Minister Francis Logan.
West Perth-based engineering training company IDC is preparing to launch a new e-learning software program for engineers and technicians, which provides live training online via video conferencing.
“It’s the economy, stupid” was the one liner often repeated by those inside the Bill Clinton camp that so convincingly toppled George H Bush’s Republican administration in 1992.
If the competition heating up in the exhibitions business is anything to go by, Western Australia’s wine industry has well and truly returned to good times.
Community group Save Perth Hills Inc has formulated a draft plan to protect the area from widespread development under rare state planning legislation.
The green building movement sweeping Australia’s commercial office market looks set to leave some concrete casualties in its wake, as large investors look to sell their non-green assets.
PERTH-BASED GMA Garnet Pty Ltd is the sole Western Australian recipient of an Australian Export Award this year, having won the ‘minerals and energy’ category, sponsored by the Minerals Council of Aus