Degustation diners who frequent Jackson’s and Star Anise can add a new name to the list of must-go venues on Perth’s fine dining scene, with Restaurant Amusé receiving plaudits from the industry at a recent awards ceremony.
The impending mutualisation of GESB, the Government Employees Superannuation Board, has allowed me to dig into a few areas that I haven’t touched before.
Briefcase, in another guise, was strident in its opposition to last year’s private equity bid for Australia’s major airline and former national carrier, Qantas.
As Tiffany & Co prepares to take up residence on King Street in the city and a number of other luxury brands sign leases along the retail strip, several projects under construction in the CBD are attracting national and international brands.
The Western Australian Trade Enquiry Service is operated by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Western Australia (CCI) with the support of the WA Government’s Department of I
RIO Tinto has established a partnership with Curtin University to develop the mining giant’s second innovation centre, the Materials and Sensing Centre.
Australia's population growth rate has risen to the highest level in 18 years and Western Australia is leading the way with growth of 2.35 per cent in the year to Sepetmber 2007.
In his latest report, state auditor general Colin Murphy has looked into the licensing of security workers and the disposal of government computer hardware.
Iluka Resources Ltd confirmed today that it completed the institutional component of its 4 for 7 pro-rata accelerated renounceable entitlement offer as shareholders took up their full entitlement in the $353 million rights issue.
The state government has agreed to widen the powers of the Corruption and Crime Commission following a planned review, despite strong criticism of the corruption watchdog by its Parliamentary Inspector Malcolm McCusker QC.
Following Swan Hills backbencher Jaye Radisich's announcement last week, WA Culture and Arts Minister Sheila McHale is the second female Labor MP to announce her resignation from parliament, effective from the next state election.
BankWest and Flight Centre Ltd (FLT) today announced BankWest ATMs would be installed in more than 100 of FLT's shops across Australia over the next year.
State government ministers have welcomed the Australian Government's announcement of a new $2.25 billion, five-year program to revitalise Australia's environment and improve land management.
West Perth-based asset and expense management provider Stratatel Ltd has acquired Phoneware Communications Systems Pty Ltd for $2.5 million in cash and shares.
Subiaco-based Wolf Minerals Ltd has confirmed a previous JORC resource estimate at its wholly owned Hemerdon Ball tungsten and tin deposit in Devon, United Kingdom.
The Western Australian Trade Enquiry Service is operated by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Western Australia (CCI) with the support of the WA Government’s Department of I
As world markets sweat over credit issues, oil major Chevron’s announcement of plans for another multi-billion dollar gas project further underline Western Australia’s perceived inoculation from the worst of these global symptoms.
The state government will pour more than $4 billion into a makeover of the health sector over the next decade, with the Fiona Stanley Hospital the standout in the overall capital works budget.
With most in-the-know political pundits confident the next state election will be held this December, it’s time to begin considering some possible outcomes.
The tourism industry is aiming to attract more private investment into tourism infrastructure, especially from well-known international brands, and increase the quality of its product to secure a lucrative slice of the global tourism market.
ASPIRING iron ore miner, Gindalbie Metals Ltd, has disclosed that it may need to modify its start-up mining plans because of environmental issues associated with its $1.8 billion Karara project in the
The ASX Materials Index, which is where the mining and energy companies can be found, has been supported by takeover action in the sector and a strong outlook for iron ore, coal and energy producers of all sorts.